How to the girl ruined the married life

If you give sexual pleasure to your husband, he will give you all the pleasures of the world. I had always heard this from my friends, mother and aunt, but actually there was something else missing. I got married at the age of 35. This was quite late and the man I married was 37 years old. Earlier people used to insist on getting married early, but today people run after making a career first.

Marriage at a young age makes it easier for you to mingle with your partner and family, but in late marriage, people become so complex that they are not able to adjust themselves in the new environment. Getting married at the age of 35 anyway kills the sexual desire in the body, the remaining desire is not left even in a 37 year old man, so one thing is that of companionship, when I got married, I knew that the person I was getting married to earns very less, but when I was 35 years old, even my mother started getting worried.
Since my father had died before time, I talked to my family members and they said that I should get married otherwise my age will pass. When I told my friends, they said that keep your husband happy in bed at night, he will work hard and earn more money. Keeping everyone’s words in mind, I got married, but after marriage, along with the wife, one more thing comes into a man’s life which we know as responsibility.
The man I was married to knew that I was not happy in my marriage because his income was low. On the first night of our marriage, he told me, look, my income is low and I am old. This does not mean that we cannot be happy together. I may not be able to give you all the resources but I can definitely give you enough to make our life run smoothly. And that night, this was the only thing that I talked about.
20-22 days passed by doing this but we did not develop a husband-wife relationship. Maybe he was upset that he earns less and that is why I did not accept him wholeheartedly. Then I talked to my friends and they all said the same thing, make him happy at night and he will fulfill your needs himself.
At the end of the month, he got a salary of 25000 rupees, out of which he kept 5000 rupees for the future and gave me 20000 and said that my needs are very limited, you keep this money. If I need it, I will take it from you. You can look after the house according to your needs. But when I started calculating, the money fell short. When I discussed this with him, he said that there may be some problem but I am trying for another job.

In this way, 6 months of marriage passed and we had a fight. I would say that I should earn more money, he would say that I should try to adjust to whatever I have. The matter escalated so much that I came to my maternal home and decided that I will not go with him anymore. He called me many times and came to my house to meet him. Tired of it, I also said that the day you start earning well, you can come to meet me. You are not even able to bear my expenses completely right now. He felt very bad about this because my tone of speaking was also bad due to anger.
But this time that person’s heart was hurt. He went back but never returned. In fact, he called his lawyer and said that if you want to separate from me, you can. Knowing this, my anger flared up even more. I felt that the person who cannot bear my expenses is threatening to leave me.

I also said that I don’t want to stay, our hearing happened, the judge asked, he clearly said, sir my salary is low, which she has an objection to and I am not able to keep her happy, and neither is she happy with me, no person can be made happy by force, I cannot say anything more than this, every person has the freedom to choose his own happiness.
The judges explained to me that once the relationship sours, life gets spoiled, if you want you can make a new beginning, there is less money but not so much that your basic needs cannot be fulfilled, but due to ego I did not listen to anyone and after some time I got divorced, I was at home for 6 months after the divorce but after that I got a job, now I was 37 years old and I decided to do a job.
When I joined the job, I realised how hard work it is and also came to know that everybody follows a divorcee girl around, looking for an opportunity to get a chance and do something with her. If the work is good, no one praises you, but if there is a lack in work, everyone from the office to the juniors start following you.

My salary is 15000. Now I started understanding how difficult it is to do a job. You can want anything but nothing is in our hands. Now for the 15000 I had to work from 10 to 6 and face harassment from people. Earlier I used to get 20000 sitting at home but now I am getting 15000 after working and on top of that I work hard all day. A man works hard day and night to fulfill the needs of his family but we women only think about how to get our work done but today the same person’s salary in his job is 86000 rupees.
I made this mistake, I started weighing the relationship on the parameters of money but it was not right. If I had understood with love then our life would have been good. In today’s era, girls want to know how much the boy is earning before marrying him but in reality, before marrying someone it is important to know what his character is like.
To run a bond like marriage, mutual consent, social relations and Vishwas but today every girl like me first of all sees in their marriage that how much money the boy is earning, not only girls but their parents also see this.
A good relationship does not run on the basis of money. I understood this when I lost my relationship, it is better to marry a person of low income and be happy with him than to listen to 4 words from a rich person, this is a true incident, you tell me how much money is important for running a relationship according to you